Tuesday 7 February 2012

Cute Jeopardy Template

I just created this Jeopardy Template that can be used on the Smart Board.  It is designed for the elementary grade levels.  I am very excited to use this in the future because I know it will be a HUGE hit! Here is a little preview of my product.  It is currently available on Teachers Pay Teachers.

I also had a lot of fun making this Easter Egg Activity book. It includes "Crack the code": by answering a series of addition and subtraction questions the students solve the missing code. Interpret the Egg Graph: a series of questions for students about the egg graph. Who has the most eggs? How many eggs were found altogether? Creating an Easter acrostic poem. Story Starters: using the first sentence of the story, create your own ending. Lastly, students can design their own Easter Egg.

And a FREEBIE! I made an Easter themed good behaviour punch card! These can be very useful in the elementary level to promote positive behaviour.  I also just enjoy telling a student "Hey! You really did a great job in EEKK, I am going to give you a nice PUNCH!" tee hee

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